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Witch Doctor Tiki Mug Set

Regular price $80.00

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only 0 left in stock

The Doctor is in! Tiki Farm has teamed up with Derek Yaniger on a new Witch Doctor mug for a limited time only. The Witch Doctor has a bone nose piercing and is wearing a water buffalo style hat with a brilliant red cross.

Each Witch Doctor mug has a blue stain with a dark blue wash, with hand painted white and red accents. It stands 7½” tall and can hold 24 fl. oz. of cocktail.

We were lucky to get our paws on a small batch of the sold out Tiki Farm Witch Doctor mugs and decided to sweeten the deal by throwing in an Official Witch Doctor Mojo-Injected Voodoo Stick* - Get yours today! ONLY 50 SETS EXIST!

*Key kids, these swizzle sticks are not for use with any food or beverage consumption, they're solely for decor for your home bar.

At first glance, it seems like just another fun lovin’ tiki mug from Derek and your friends at Tiki Farm, but BEWARE! Legend has it that the evil spirit of The Witch Doctor inhabits every single mug.

Use caution when mixing potions, creating hexes, and casting spells at your next Tiki gathering, for only the finest mixers and elixirs will appease the angry spirit of The Witch Doctor! Failure to do so could result in some seriously bad mojo! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Fill the good Doctor up with a nicely crafted cocktail and you will be REWARDED!

On the reverse of our Witch Doctor, you’ll discover a secret voodoo symbol. Teams of archeologists have tried to decipher its meaning, but all have failed. Is it a long-lost Zombie cocktail recipe so powerful that it could change the world forever?!? Perhaps an ancient incantation that if spoken aloud would unlock all the mysteries of the most delicious Mai-tai?!? What is the true meaning of the secret voodoo symbol? Only The Witch Doctor knows!!

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